Myth of Empires: A Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to the world of Myth of Empires! Whether you’re just starting or looking to enhance your gameplay experience, this guide aims to provide essential tips and insights to help you navigate the intricate world of this survival game. With over 60 hours of gameplay and reaching level 35, I’ve learned a few things along the way that I’m excited to share with you.

Understanding Character Progression:

Like many survival games, Myth of Empires drops you into its vast world without much hand-holding. As you explore and survive, your character gains experience to level up. However, unlike other games where leveling up grants you the ability to choose your skill paths, Myth of Empires takes a different approach.

Your character’s abilities, such as strength, agility, and constitution, are developed through actions in the game. For instance, using one-handed weapons will improve your proficiency with them, while blocking attacks with a shield will enhance your shield skills. It’s essential to engage in various activities to level up different abilities.

Within the character menu, under the talent tab, you can view the skills you’ve unlocked and the ones available as you progress. Allocate your skill points wisely, focusing on areas that complement your playstyle and goals.

The Importance of Joining a Clan:

Whether you prefer solo play or enjoy the camaraderie of a group, joining a clan offers significant benefits. Clans earn experience through various activities, which, in turn, unlock additional skills and abilities for all members.

These clan skills cover combat, production, and resource management, providing advantages that can greatly aid your survival. Moreover, clans can establish boundaries, protecting their territory from decay and intrusion. As your clan grows stronger, you’ll gain access to more advanced structures and abilities, enhancing your overall gameplay experience.

Building and Territory Management:

Construction plays a crucial role in Myth of Empires. Structures deteriorate over time, but you can prevent this decay by placing personal banners or utilizing clan boundaries. These boundaries not only protect your buildings but also expand your territory, allowing for more construction opportunities.

Strategic placement of your base is essential, especially considering the availability of resources in the surrounding area. Establishing your clan near valuable resource nodes ensures a steady supply of materials for crafting and construction.

Exploring the World:

Myth of Empires features a diverse world ripe for exploration. From the initial safe zones to the wilds teeming with dangers and opportunities, there’s always something new to discover.

As you venture further from your base, keep an eye out for neutral camps, resource nodes, and potential threats. Engaging in combat, gathering resources, and completing quests all contribute to your character’s progression.

Tips for Efficient Progression:

• Focus on main quests until level 14, then unlock the ability to tame horses.
• Utilize horses for faster travel and exploration.
• Prioritize clan activities to unlock beneficial skills and abilities.
• Take advantage of blessings for temporary boosts to experience gain, resource collection, and more.
• Consider joining a clan to access shared resources, protection, and cooperative gameplay opportunities.
• Plan your base location strategically, considering proximity to resources and potential threats.
• Continuously improve your character’s skills by engaging in diverse activities and challenges.


Myth of Empires offers a vast and immersive survival experience, where every decision matters. By understanding the game’s mechanics, joining a clan, and exploring the world strategically, you can enhance your gameplay and thrive in this dynamic environment.

Whether you’re embarking on your first adventure or seeking to master the game’s intricacies, remember that experimentation and adaptation are key. MMOexp is the best online sales platform for Myth of Empires Copper Coins to protect you and win PVP. Safe and Fast, 24/7 online service.