WoW WOTLK Classic Phase 4 Investments – Icecrown Citadel Goldmaking

Wrath of the Lich King Classic has brought a wave of nostalgia and excitement to the World of Warcraft community. As we move into Phase 4 of this classic expansion, it’s time to discuss how you can prepare yourself for this phase, with a specific focus on WoW WOTLK gold making through investments. In this article, we’ll explore the potential investments you can make to maximize your profits and secure a strong financial foundation in Phase 4.

The Power of Investments

Before diving into the specific items you should consider investing in, it’s essential to understand the power of investments in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. Many players have accumulated substantial wealth without participating in GDKP (Gold DKP) runs or relying on traditional gold farming methods. These players have harnessed the potential of investing in valuable items and resources.

For instance, some players have successfully amassed over 1.5 million gold in value, and the fascinating aspect is that they’ve done this while sharing their investment strategies with the community. Transparency in investment strategies is a testament to the effectiveness of this approach in Wrath of the Lich King Classic.

If you’re interested in mastering the art of gold making through investments, you can find comprehensive guidance and strategies in dedicated gold guides like the one mentioned in this article. Such guides cover investments, the best gold farms, secrets, and community access, providing a wealth of resources to help you succeed in your goldmaking journey.

Now, let’s delve into the items you can consider investing in for Phase 4.

Eternal Shadows

Eternal Shadows have the potential to skyrocket in price during Phase 4 and throughout Wrath of the Lich King. The primary driver behind this price surge is the significant increase in demand. So far, these items have had minimal demand, but Phase 4 brings a game-changing factor: Iceblade Arrows.

Iceblade Arrows are introduced in Phase 4 and will create a constant demand for Eternal Shadows. Furthermore, several crafting recipes in Phase 4 require a substantial amount of Eternal Shadows. To make an informed investment decision, consider the statistics of the crafted items that rely on Eternal Shadows.

Eternal Shadows are currently available at a remarkably low price, with instances of them dropping to 1 gold each on some servers during Phase 3. Even a modest increase to 2 gold each would represent a significant return on investment. Therefore, Eternal Shadows presents a relatively safe and less risky investment option for Phase 4.

Eternal Earth

Eternal Earth is another item to consider for investment. It is used in crafting Shatter Rounds, which are bullets for Icecrown Citadel. Additionally, it has seen a gradual increase in demand throughout Wrath due to inflation. While the returns might not be as explosive as other items, Eternal Earth can still be a reliable investment choice.

Epic Gems

Epic Gems can be excellent investments, especially when their prices drop significantly. The demand for epic gems surges when players acquire new gear upon the release of a new raid. This pattern has been observed in Classic WoW phases for Vanilla, TBC, and Wrath.

Players tend to delay purchasing gems until they need them for their new gear, resulting in price spikes. Timing the market correctly, particularly with gems like Cardinal Rubies and King’s Amber, can allow you to double your gold by buying when they are inexpensive and selling during the initial weeks of Phase 4. It’s advisable to consider this investment a month or two before the new phase begins.

Titanium Ores

Titanium Ores can follow a similar investment pattern to epic gems since players prospect them to acquire epic gems. Additionally, the demand for Titanium Bars, which are used to craft Titansteel Bars, contributes to the potential price increase of Titanium Ores. Keep an eye on both epic gem and Titanium Bar markets to optimize your investment strategy.

Materials Used in High-Tier Enchants

Materials used in high-tier enchants are another investment avenue to explore. As players obtain new gear, they require new enchants to enhance their equipment’s performance. Although this investment has yielded fewer profits than gem investments, it’s still worth considering.

Items to Approach with Caution

While there are numerous items to invest in, a couple of items should be approached with caution. These are items where the investment may not be as rewarding:

Titansteel Bars: The cooldown for crafting Titansteel Bars is expected to be removed in a mini-patch between Phase 4 and Phase 5. Keep an eye on the Public Test Realm to determine if this change occurs. If the cooldown remains, Titansteel Bars could potentially increase in price between 50% and 100%.

Crafted Items with Cooldowns: Certain crafted items, such as Spellweave, Ebonweave, and Moonshroud, have long cooldowns attached to them. These cooldowns are also expected to be removed in the same mini-patch. Pay close attention to the Public Test Realm for confirmation. If the cooldowns remain, these items may increase significantly in price, especially Spellweave, which is used for crafting best-in-slot items for DPS casters.

Eternal Fires: If the cooldown is retained for crafting Spellweave, consider investing in Eternal Fires. The demand for Eternal Fires may rise as they are used in crafting Spellweave, and a lack of cooldown may lead to increased demand.

Additional Investment Opportunities

In addition to the items mentioned above, consider the following investment opportunities:

Flame Caps: Despite being nerfed, Flame Caps are still used in raiding and have seen significant price increases. Expect another price surge in Phase 4.

Nerubian Chitin: Used in many Leatherworking recipes in Phase 4, Nerubian Chitin is currently cheap on numerous servers and has substantial upside potential.

Jormungar Scales: Similar to Nerubian Chitin, Jormungar Scales are used in various Leatherworking recipes in Phase 4.

Icy Dragonscales: Also employed in Leatherworking, Icy Dragonscales are available at low prices on several servers and offer tremendous potential for profit.

Arctic Fur: Another item crucial for Leatherworking recipes, Arctic Fur, is rarer and harder to farm than other materials. Consequently, its price may rise significantly in Phase 4.


Investing in Phase 4 of Wrath of the Lich King Classic is a strategic and potentially lucrative endeavor. As you explore these investment options, always keep an eye on the market trends and pay attention to any potential changes in item cooldowns. To enhance your gold making journey, consider utilizing comprehensive gold guides that provide insights into investment strategies, the best gold farms, and access to a thriving gold making community.

By making informed investments, you can secure your financial future in Wrath of the Lich King Classic and enjoy the thrill of amassing substantial wealth or buy cheap WoTLK Gold at MMOexp while reliving the epic adventures of Azeroth. As Phase 4 unfolds, make wise decisions and watch your gold reserves grow.